Cook: Chocolate Truffles

We try have been trying to loosely follow the Weston A. Price way of eating. That means that we are cutting out all (most!) refined sugar. I have a major sweet tooth and I crave good chocolate so I have been looking for a delicious but healthy way to satisfy that craving. Cue the healthy chocolate truffle! I have bought similar ones at Whole Foods but they are ridiculously expensive, like 4 for almost $5. We can’t afford that every week so I decided to try to make my own. The ingredients are very simple, not to mention healthy, and the process is super easy.

Here is a list of some of the healthy ingredients:

Coconut Oil – Naturally delicious, slightly sweet and packed full of good fats. It used to be deemed extremely unhealthy but recent research has moved it to one of the healthiest oils. Here’s a good article in the NY Times to read if you don’t know about Coconut Oil. You must make sure that you use the correct type of Coconut Oil because it is not all made the same. Here is the kind I use:
Nutriva Coconut Oil

Cocoa – Now, I wish, wish, wish that I had the good type of cacoa. Many people don’t know that there is a big difference in Cocoa and Cacoa. Cacoa is the raw form of Cocoa, much less processed and much more healthy for you than cocoa. Sadly, it is pretty expensive. I didn’t have any on hand so I had to settle for organic cocao. Next time, I am going to splurge and buy some cacoa.

Maple Syrup- Full of anti oxidents and nutrients, maple syrup is a great natural sugar to use. Here’s a guide if you don’t know the difference between the different grades of Maple Syrup: Maple Syrup Grades

Coconut flakes- We get ours from Whole Foods in the organic section.

Coconut Butter- Sooo yummy. I get this brand: Artisana Coconut Butter

Now for the process.  Just measure all ingredients and mix in a bowl! Okay, so there is a tiny bit more to it than that but I will write all the details in the recipe below.




After it is all mixed, scoop and roll them into little balls, sprinkle with more cocoa and then put them in the freezer for a few minutes! Don’t forget to lick the spoon!20130924-183505.jpg


Chocolate Truffles (adapted from Homemade Mommy)


  • 1/2 cup coconut oil
  • 1/2 cup maple syrup
  • 1/2 cup cocoa powder
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 2 cups shredded coconut
  • 1/2 cup chopped dark grain-sweetened chocolate chips (optional)
  • additional cocoa to coat the truffles


Mix all ingredients (cocoa, coconut oil, vanilla, maple syrup) in a large bowl.

Add 2 cups of shredded coconut and mix well.

Roll into small balls about 1″ in diameter (or any size that you prefer).

Sprinkle the extra cocoa onto the balls and roll them around.

Place the truffles on a plate.

Put the plate of truffles in the freezer for about 15-20 minutes.

They turned out so delicious! The chocolate chips really really made them good.  They are totally not necessary but really give it an extra yummy chocolatey boost!

Everyone in the house loved them.  I even got two thumbs up from my very chocolate picky dad! I will definitely be making these again.